Miniature Painting Advice
This started as a modest page of miniature painting advice, but has grown to become one of the larger and more useful collection of links for
miniature painting enthusiasts online, show some social media love for Nurgle.
Painting Advice from Me
Advice from Others
Conversion Bitz, Display Bases, and Terrain
In the olden days a lot of stuff in 40K was scratch build out of all manner of household items. Terrain
is often still done like that, but with the advent of the internet and the rise of specialty hobby
shops you can buy a lot of pre-made bitz, display bases, and terrain pieces. GW makes all of the
above and I have a lot of their plastic bitz often buying entire kits to get one or two peices. GW's
metal bitz order service is largely gone, but other places exist online including
various people on eBay have filled the gap. A lot
of small companies have sprung up making stuff for GW and other games. Woodland Scenics and a variety
of companies from the model train hobby get a lot of business from miniature wargamers as do
architectual model supply companies. Sheet styrene now comes in many different sizes and textures and
this is used extensively by kitbashers and scrathbuilders.
This collection of links just kept getting larger, a lot of it is terrain particularly sci-fi and modern
terrain but some of the companies make miniatures from other periods primarily and/or I just think
they are cool and hope to support them someday. Those that I've purchased from online with no problems will have this
. Others
I purchased in person will have this symbol:
Where I've taken to buying most of my gaming stuff is Darren's store.
He is stocking more and more non-GW miniature stuff as well as tonnes of board games, he says he can special order
in from lots of companies so drop in if you're on Main Street in Vancouver BC. I also buy paint, plasticard, and Zap-a-gap at
Grand Prix Hobbies on Broadway. Imperial Hobbies had a huge selection of paint, and other stuff for miniature wargamers,
but Richmond is a bit out of the way for me.
Since this page keeps remaining popular in order to make it more useful, I've put the manufactures I've purchased from at the top of the
sub-lists in the approximate order in which I've bought the most stuff from. I still recommend supporting your local retailers and I buy most
of my GW stuff and other gaming stuff from Darren at Strategies and he keeps adding companies from which he can specialty order from including most
recently tempting Ziterdes. As I paint stuff up it will appear on my hobby blog so you can
see my take on various manufactures wares.
Retail Stores
- Strategies Games & Hobbies Long time, now former, GW staffer Darren runs this shop on Main, it was my local store, carries more than just GW, can also do special orders.
- Imperial Hobbies Why shop online when you can just go to Richmond? Obviously you've never been to Richmond. :-D
- Sentry Box one of the few good things about Calgary
- Deserres is a large chain of art and hobby supply stores in Canada, they've become my go to place for balsa wood, popsicle sticks, modeling material, acrylic paints, palettes etc. Again they have a large store on Main Street near my house.
Online Multi-Line Miniature Stores
Miniature Manufactures
- Wargames Foundry an enormous amout of miniatures from a lot of periods and settings in 25mm, but what I've been buying is their paint
- Brigade Models they make Celtos and other miniature lines, lots of models in kilts with big weapons
- Ramshackle Games great orky vehicle bitz
- Brigade Games make their own figs as well as carry other ranges, there is a pile of stuff for sale on this website
- Pulp Figures they make some fun miniatures, and he's out of Kelowna
- Scibor Miniatures make a wide variety of stuff, including some nice looking bases
- Artizan Designs from Cowboys to Spies to Soldiers in 28mm
- Micro Art Studios Amazing bases, models, and terrain from Poland
- Crusader Miniatures one of Wargames Foundry's sculpter's personal miniature company
- Anima Tactic's has really cool official miniatures some of these models, I just gotta paint someday
- Reaper Miniatures 1000+ 25mm miniatures, one you just might need
- Pig Iron Productions make a wide variety of 28mm near future models, including good alternative imperial guardsmen heads
- Goose Minis resin miniatures and terrain, from Calgary, I got some bases
- Frother's Unite has one of the biggest and most useful list of mini manufacturers
- The Miniature's Page has an even bigger list, but no descriptions, until you drill down
- An exhuastive list of Zombie Miniature Manufacturers
- A list of "Oldhammer" style miniature manufactures
- Copplestone Castings
- Freebooter Miniatures sweet miniature sculpts, but also accessories
- Warlord Games Fat Bloke's new gig
- The Assault Group they make a tonne of 28mm miniatures and may have some models or bits you need
- eBob Miniatures makes a lot of stuff in 28mm scale, maybe something you could use
- Zombiesmith If you ever need zombies...
- Kingsford Miniatures Canadian made Samurai models
- Fenryll 28mm resin models from France, 2500 different sculpts!
- Dark Sword Miniatures some really nice 28 & 30mm sculpts, fantasy mostly
- Curteys Miniatures Many periods, loads of Asian figures, some terrain
- Kabuki Models yet another up and comming boutique range
- Smart Max makes some truly strange figures in 1/35th scale
- Hasselfree eclectic mixture of sculpts from Kevin White
- Heresy another ex GW sculpter's assorted collection of figs, check out the Trench Coat Warriors
- Black Hat Miniatures now produce Coat 'D Arms paint the old GW line of colors as well as miniatures in various scales
- Kromlech make Marines, Orks, and Imperial Guard bits and models but obviously can't call them that
- Tengu Models, yep more zombies
- Mirliton interesting lines of miniatures from Italy
- The Goblin Factory, no prize for guessing what kind of miniatures they make
- Game Zone Miniatures alternative fantasy miniatures from Germany, 28mm scale aimed squarely at WFB
- HiTech Miniatures another boutique company making bits and minis that are very compatiable with GW's ranges and games.
- Victoria Lamb Miniatures sculpts and casts of a small but eclectic collection of minis
- Hydra Miniatures retro pulpy sci-fi stuff from Michigan
- Puppets War make a variety of conversion bits in 28mm scale, of course they're from Poland
- Crooked Dice Game Design Studio make some pulp-y spy figures
- Titan Forge is another boutique company making conversion bits suitable for heroic 28mm read GW miniatures
- Knight Models make larger scale models using popular intellectual property for the discerning collector/painter
- Spellcrow makes bits and models that fit with Warhammer 40,000 armies
- Mierce Miniatures makes some models that wouldn't look out of place in Warhammer army
- Da Scrapyard Ork make dice not miniatures
- Wargames Exlcusive alternative resin miniatures and bits for GW games
- Midlanm Miniatures non-heroic 28mm old school metal fantasy miniatures
Terrain Manufactures
- Armorcast
- Aintsy Castings was part of Old Crow when I bought my stuff from the Tyrewall line
- Evergreen Scale Models
- Dark Art Miniatures has an eBay Store but all original bases and scenary, cool stuff
- Woodland Scenics
- Black Cat Bases bases, terrain, and lots of skulls
- Total Systems Scenic sells entire modular gaming tables as well as resin terrain items, recently gained a new owner
- Gale Force 9 make basing material, terrain, and gaming accessories
- Another list of resin terrain manufacturers sorted differently than mine, but similar companies, more into pre 1900s stuff
- Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture Inc.
- Precision Model Designs carried at Battle-mart I may have to try this brand out in the future, for ruined buildings. Imperial Hobbies might be able to get them for Vancouverites...
- Quantum Gothic
- Table Top World new company outta Croatia?
- Zuzzy Miniatures
- The Grand Manner They make a pile of terrain pieces you can get painted or unpainted
- Dwarven Forge mazes, dungeons, and other stuff, some of which could work in 40K
- Crescent Root Studios painted or unpainted resin terrain in a variety of scales, check out the Adobe walled compounds
- Red Dragon Terrain unique pieces made from Hirst Arts bricks in Vancouver
- Daemonscape makes resin terrain and bases, out of the UK
- Ironclad Miniatures newly discovered manufacturer of terrain and miniatures, including sandbags
- Manor House Pricey but nice looking terrain from Italy
- Stone House Miniatures
- Battle Build
- Thormillion makes a lot of scenic bits
- Wargame Terrain they have a large range in the right size (25/28mm)
- Architects of War
- Sarissa Precision a new manufacturer of buildings made from laser cut MDF
- PK-Pro makes bits that are useful for terrain building as well as basing miniatures, including scale bricks
- Greenman Designs make terrain, but they also make playaids for Warhammer 40,000
- 4Ground makes of 28mm wargaming terrain including some sweet Old West buildings
- Wargamma makes bases and terrain targeting Warhammer 40K and Fantasy Battle players
- Fogou Models make a vairety of miniature terrain
Scenic Resin Bases
Custom Terrain Builders
I think you should build and paint your own armies and I think you should make unique terrain, but some people
are lazy and some people have more money than time so custom terrain builders exist. They also work directly
for gaming companies, movies, TV, toy manufactures, clubs, conventions. They serve a purpose and I guess I'll
give them some link love and business, if for no other reason than I like to look at cool stuff. Some of the
sites above will build terrain to suit, but for some it is their specialty and primary focus.
Words and Images © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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