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eBay Nurgle Renegade

eBay Nurgle Renegade

This is a nice model, though I think in my effort to come up with a unique color for the tentacles I bungled things up. It was suppose to be more orange, but ended up too pink. I didn't have all my paints with me in Japan. I also probably did one too many washes and tried some rather experimental blending. It has a base I bought from Epicast. I got some even cooler bases from them which will be showing up on this website at some point.

As you might have guessed I bought this model on eBay. I used to be able to turn up brand new OOP models, but now between GW Archive and eBay you can usually get a fig if you want it bad enough and you have the money. eBay potentially can be cheaper than GW but not necessarily. Some old models are not available from GW thus eBay or something like it is your only option.

Words and Images © Andrew "Muskie" McKay.
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